New moon Summer solstice sound bath!


Sunday June 18th from 6:30-8:30pm | $40 at Circle Studios Hamilton!

With Danusia (Kirn Kaur) & Michelle Prosek

Join us this Father’s Day in balancing the divine feminine and divine masculine within. Let’s gather on the new moon, setting our intentions for a spectacular summer solstice by releasing all that’s no longer needed and attracting all that is. We’ll do a short Kundalini Yoga Meditation to balance earth and ether, helping to weave our dreams into reality.

Next, lay down for a cozy hour and a half of long rest and release in resonant sound immersion with 45 minutes of the Crystal Bowls followed by 45 minutes of a Gong Bath.

Please feel free to bring any blankets or shawls to feel snug, let go and clear old blocks and stagnant energy in the sound bath. Come with your yoga mat, comfy clothing, blankets, pillows and anything else you need to be super cozy.

The benefits of sound baths influence all states of being: on the physical plane (relief of various bodily ailments) and on the spiritual/emotional plane (stress, anxiety, insomnia), even helping to unblock deep emotional processes.

More about the Crystal Bowls: Sound baths create a state of harmony to clear imbalances from the body’s energy fields. Based on the knowledge of the 7 Chakras, harmonization of the body and mind is achieved through the soft and deep vibrations of the Crystal Singing Bowls. They stimulate our brainwaves, helping our brain to move into wave frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, which can be equivalent to several hours of sleep. Michelle creates sessions that build up through all of the chakras, with a strong focus on any particular ones that will be the most beneficial in that session.

More about the Gong: The gong holds all healing frequencies. Come and chill out in the sacred sound current, bathing in bliss. The gong is an ancient tool for transformation known for it’s profound healing abilities. The vibration of the gong effortlessly calms the nervous system and releases stress stored in the body. Many people have deep spiritual experiences during a gong bath while others come to simply relax and let go, join us and experience it for yourself!

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