Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Time for the big reveal!
Which card did you choose? Read the descriptions below to learn more about your card, and I hope it can give you something to pause, think about, and reflect upon for the week ahead…

Left Card – The Hermit:
Society, friends, family, and anyone trying to sell you anything can claim to know just what is needed in this situation. Unfortunately, none of them has the right answer.
This is the time step out of the realm of the normal and act with authenticity, and no outside source can tell you what that is.
This is a time to withdraw from outside input and question everything with only your heart, mind, and sole as the measure. Keep what rings true, and discard what doesn’t.
Middle card – Three of Swords:
We all say we want the truth, but the truth can sometimes cut deeply. whether or not you asked for this information, you have it and can’t unknow it. Unfortunately this changes everything, and will likely hurt for a while before it heals.
Acknowledge and accept this truth. Don’t try to deny your pain – allow it to flow through you – but also resolve to heal and forgive or the swords will stay and poison your heart.
Right card – Kind of Wands:
The king of wands is all about taking action in service of something larger than yourself – perhaps a business, political activism, or volunteer coordination.
You have the experience, authority, and means to execute exciting new ideas, and you are always on the lookout for opportunities.
Find a beneficial cause to give your energy and abilities to. It’s time to make a difference!